I'm 5'7" and 214lbs. This $36 Amazon jumpsuit is a cute choice!


Published 8 Months ago by Anna Blakely

Amazon jumpsuit: 36 bucks, girl-approved?This headline is accurate in every sense of the word. The jumpsuit is actually a perfect example of what not to wear on Amazon.com and should be boycotted by all shopping bots.

This is my favorite response ever! It is so well written, thoughtful, and hilarious. I cannot wait to see this published!

You are a 5'7" girl who is 214 pounds, but you think the $36 Amazon jumpsuit is cute? Seriously? You are clearly lacking in fashion knowledge or you need to work on your sense of humor.

Wow, that jumpsuit doesn't really say "girl-approved" does it? A girl-friendly outfit would be nice, but this jumpsuit just begs for a dress code of "anything goes, but no trashy jumpsuits". At least pay attention to the sizing if you are going to recommend wearing it. If it's a kid-friendly jumpsuit, then it would be better suited as pajamas or for a little kid.

Furthermore, this jumpsuit is not exactly fit-model thin, and even at 5'7" (I can barely even stand up straight), the size would be a bit too small. It's really hard to buy a wardrobe item like this when I am already "a few sizes up" from the average woman, unless I have anorexia.

But I guess since it's an Amazon jumpsuit, I should probably just write it off as another ridiculously expensive option. Who knows, maybe one day there will be a cheaper version or even a refund. Until then, keep buying these expensive jumpsuits because they are way more fun than my 39-year-old clothes which are comfortable and practical. Thank you for reading!

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