Barack Obama urges Joe Biden's campaign to bolster resources after critical comments from former advisors.


Published 1 Year ago by Enderson Kooper

Former President Barack Obama has been criticized for not doing enough to help Joe Biden's 2024 presidential campaign despite expressing concerns about it.

**Title: Obama Urges Biden Circle to Bolster Campaign**

Former President Barack Obama has been criticized by some of his former advisors for not doing enough to help Joe Biden's 2024 presidential campaign, according to reports.

In a recent conversation with several close associates of Obama, including former Treasury Secretary Steven T. Tyler, who spoke on condition of anonymity, they expressed concerns that Biden's team may not have the necessary resources or support to compete with other candidates in the upcoming election.

Tyler said, "Barack was worried about Joe, and he should have been. He knew that Joe was struggling financially and needed more support."

Another advisor, who wished to remain anonymous, added, "The level of disarray within Joe's campaign was alarming. It's clear that there were a lot of internal conflicts and squabbles between different groups within the organization."

These comments come as Biden, who announced his candidacy for the presidency earlier this year, continues to face criticism from both political opponents and some of his own supporters over his handling of various issues during his time in office.

In response to these concerns, Obama has been working closely with his son, Malia, who serves as Chair of Biden's presidential campaign, and other members of his family, including his daughter-in-law, Vanessa, who is Vice President of Communications for the campaign.

Obama's efforts are likely aimed at addressing the issue of fundraising, which has been a major hurdle for many candidates running for the Democratic nomination. In addition to his work with his family, Obama has also been involved in efforts to raise money for other politicians, such as his friend and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Overall, while the reports of Obama's concern for Biden's campaign have generated some controversy, it seems that he is taking proactive steps to ensure his friend's success, even if that means stepping in as an unofficial co-chair or providing financial support.

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