Friday's national newspaper front pages story!


Published 9 Months ago by Enderson Kooper

Trump Inquiry: Big Fake News

It’s Friday again; time for some more news! The most important newspapers have already released their weekly front page stories, but we’re not just going to focus on a single issue or event for this column. Instead, we’ll start with a look at some of last week’s front page headlines from major dailies around the country.
Honestly speaking, there is much to talk about in today’s news but I will try to select things that you may find interesting.
First, let us take a look at two top headlines from USA TODAY.
1st- Trump Says Impeachment Inquiry Is ‘Big Fake News’ - President Donald Trump denied any wrongdoing in the investigation, saying he has done nothing wrong during his presidency and blasted reporters as “big fake news” for accusing him of abuse of power.
2nd - Anger As Omar Remains Silent Amid White Nationalist Incitement - Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she would boycott the debate as long as white supremacists were allowed to speak without consequences and said she had not been harassed or threatened in response to her criticism of the group.
These are two headlines that are all over the media and can be talked for hours about. It seems like these days we are hearing more and more news about impeachment which affects politics and politicians. The other day while watching the TV news, you might have heard about the allegations of sexual misconduct made by more than 40 women against Harvey Weinstein. So you see, women seem to want their voices to be heard after having been silenced by many years and now, it’s been reported that they have formed an organization to fight back.
What could have gone wrong is when the news broke out that Trump asked those same women to not mention him in their statement. This was described as “a cowardly move.” That might go a long way towards explaining what happened between the two women. I wouldn't have thought it was possible that a man like Mr. Trump, with such power behind him can do this to others just because they question him in such a public setting.
There have been a few other incidents where many have been talking about and reporting that Trump has done something wrong in his presidency so far. The worst case scenario is going further into your opinion of this topic until you feel a need to write your piece.

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