Sarah Palin slams NBC for biased reporting.


Published 1 Year ago by Yisa Ying

Sarah Palin Slams NBC For Bias Against Prison Break Survivors As 'Hostages'"


In a explosive interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Sarah Palin slammed NBC for their reporting on the January 6 prison break at Admistanecity. "NBC is not being objective," Palin stated, "they have a bias against us and the right."

Palin went on to explain how she believes that NBC has been unfairly portraying her and the American people who were in Admistanecity during the breakout. "They keep trying to paint us as criminals and terrorists," Palin said. "It's just not true. We are patriots, we are Americans, and we are fighting for our freedom."

Stephanopoulos pressed Palin on her claims of mistreatment by authorities in Washington D.C., saying, "There have been reports of mistreatment of your people." Palin replied, "Yes, there have. But that's the media for you, they want to sensationalize everything. They don't report the truth, they make things up and twist it. And that's what I've been fighting against."

Palin also called out NBC for their coverage of the prisoners who took part in the breakout. "They call them hostages. They refer to them as detainees. They never say the word prisoners. It's just ridiculous," Palin said. "These men and women are prisoners of war, they should be treated like prisoners of war."

Stephanopoulos tried to defend NBC, saying, "I think they are doing an excellent job." Palin shot back, "That's the problem. They're not doing an excellent job. They're not reporting the truth, they're sensationalizing it."

In conclusion, Sarah Palin was unequivocal in her criticism of NBC's reporting on the January 6 prison break at Admistanecity. She believes that NBC has a bias against her and the American people and has been unfairly portraying them as criminals and terrorists. Palin also criticized NBC for referring to prisoners as hostages rather than using the term prisoners. Palin made it clear that she will continue to fight for the truth and that NBC needs to do the same if they want to earn her trust and respect.

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