Trump Calls Lizza 'Sleazy,' RNC Chair Reacts


Published 8 Months ago by Anna Blakely

George Conway Slams Trump, RNC Chair Lizza For Using The Word "Sleazy" In Describing Trump And Hillary Clinton In Different Ways.

In a recent interview with "Political Junkie," George Conway lashed out at Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Ryan Lizza after he appeared on MSNBC's show "Hardball."

Conway stated that he was stunned when he heard what Lizza said during a call with voters in Michigan.

"I heard him talking about Donald Trump in exactly the same language that Hillary Clinton used against him," Conway said in an interview with HuffPost Live.

He added: "When we were talking about this, the thing that really really stuck was the fact that he said 'sleazy.' And I mean, I know, everyone's saying 'oh, that's sleazy.' But it didn't occur to me that this guy would have the gall to use the word 'sleazy' in describing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in different ways. That's just sleazy. That is not acceptable. I'm saying what a lot of people are feeling."

Conway went on to say that he expected a professional from the RNC to have a different name for what they said.

"You know, I think it's the 'c' word. It's like...I know he's the chairman of the RNC. I expect to hear a certain level of sophistication from him, even if he doesn't agree with me. But instead he uses the word 'sleazy.' That makes me sick," Conway said.

Conway also criticized Trump for being unprepared to be president, saying: "And he's also unprepared. I understand that there are so many things going on in this country right now, but that's not a reason to get elected as president."

He continued: "My question to Donald Trump is: Are you ready?"

Conway concluded by saying: "It seems obvious to me, all right. The American people need someone who is going to tell them some lies and then blame America's problems on some other country. You know, and try to convince them, if they actually buy into it. Someone who can get away with it. For some reason, what Donald Trump has been able to do is get away with it."

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