Kaapo Kakko, Filip Chytil back on ice skating, making progress: ‘Getting better’


Published 8 Months ago by Calter Wronkite

The two young talented speedskaters, Kaapo Kakko, Finland and Filip Chytil from the Czech Republic are making progress on their skating skills.

It was with great pleasure that I heard Kaapo Kakko, one of Finland's leading speedskaters, Filip Chytil, another up-and-coming young speedskater from the Czech Republic, back on ice skates. This time they were practicing their skating skills on the ice.

This will be a huge achievement for them since these two young people have been missing each other out there for quite sometime now. The reason being Filip has just recently found his love for ice skating while Kaapo on the other hand, has to deal with an illness which he had and got over.

It is evident that the two of them share a strong bond even though they have not seen each other for some time now.

This may come as no surprise to the few of you out there but the world needs more people like this who are willing to step up to the plate and make a change regardless of the personal gain. In essence, what we see here is two of the brightest talents showcasing their speed and versatility and moving forward together again which at first looked impossible for these two young men.

On my part, it has always been a privilege to witness the performance of these two when they take the ice together and now I am happy to know that they are doing well after having overcome all odds. They are demonstrating how sports can bring people of different backgrounds together with the same goals in mind. One goal that Kaapo and Filip share in common is to strive for excellence while promoting health and wellbeing through sport. And as long as we keep believing in the power of sports then this kind of progress and unity can only get better.

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